


The best way to share your WiLD achievements with others…


Receive a WiLD Badge upon completion of any of the WiLD trainings; everything from the WiLD Experience Intensive, to the Executive Fellows Program, to completing the WiLD Toolkit with your team or organization.

We are committed to providing you with the tools necessary to achieve your professional goals and we understand that communicating your credentials in an ever-expanding online marketplace can be challenging. That is why we have partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your credentials. Digital badges can be used in email signatures or digital resumes, and on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This digital image contains verified metadata that describes your qualifications and the process required to earn them.


What are the benefits of a badge?

Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real time. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly also offers labor market insights, based on your skills. You can search and apply for job opportunities right through Credly.

How does my certification get displayed as a badge?

We have partnered with Credly to translate the learning outcomes you’ve demonstrated into a badge, issued and managed through the company digital badging platform. The technology Credly uses is based on the Open Badge Standards maintained by IMS Global. This enables you to manage, share and verify your competencies digitally.

How will I know if I’ve earned a badge?

You will receive an email notification from Credly ( with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account.

Where and how can I share my badge through Credly?

You can share your badge directly from Credly to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website or in your email signature.

*Click for article on how to add your badge into your email signature.

You can find tutorials and answers to additional questions here: