Wiley Cortez’s WiLD Story with PRICOR. Technologies

We have our regular Tuesday WiLD conversations now with our team, and they’ve changed the culture, and transformed people both individually and collectively.  

— Wiley Cortez, PRICOR. Technologies

Below is our conversation with Wiley Cortez who brought WiLD Leaders to PRICOR. Technologies to be the leader development system for their leadership team. Wiley describes the impact of using the WiLD Toolkit with leaders from PRICOR. Technologies and the impact it has had on the organization and his personal development as a leader and co-owner of the business.

“One of the biggest things that I’ve taken away from WiLD Leaders is that my development will increase their development, which the bi-product of that is them leading at a bigger capacity.

And, in a pandemic year, our company had the most profitable revenue year and the most revenue generated in our organization. I can only say and argue that it is because of the development of our people - not driven by the sales or the numbers, but in who we are and why we’re doing what we’re doing. And that has been incredible. “

— Wiley Cortez

Why WiLD Leaders?

Wiley shares how he found WiLD Leaders and why he chose to deeply investment in leader development for his team and for himself during this pivotal season for his team.


“The WiLD Program was instrumental in the acceleration of my development. It led the development for me - and the change or bi-product of that has been invaluable. It truly is invaluable.”

— Wiley Cortez


Impact of the WiLD Toolkit

Wiley explains the value of the rhythms of using the WiLD Toolkit and the impact it has had on himself and on his team, both professionally and personally.

Wiley uses the WiLD Toolkit with his team on a monthly cadence to build a rhythm of development in their organizational culture:

Program Flows.png

“We will always be capped at the development we have right now. I’m only able to teach my team what I already know - once I teach them everything it’s over, I have to continue.”

— Wiley Cortez

WiLD Executive Fellows Program

Wiley is also in the WiLD Executive Fellows Program and shares how it has increased his capacity as a leader and why other executives should consider this program for themselves.


“I would strongly suggest that a leader have a conversation with you guys and then check out the WiLD Conversation. The WiLD Conversations are going to give you a tiny glimpse of what could potentially happen in joining a WiLD Experience Intensive or the Executive Fellows Program. Because that’s what it’s done for me. That is the experience talking.

The WiLD Conversation just basically peeled one little layer back, but then when you jump in - get ready. Next level is an understatement.”

— Wiley Cortez


WiLD Fridays + WiLD Impact

Wiley’s WiLD story began with the WiLD Conversations and has led to the WiLD Experience, the Executive Fellows Program, and using the WiLD Toolkit with his team - and now some of those team members are joining our deeper whole + intentional leader development opportunities as well.

Email contact@wildleaders.org if you’re ready to start your WiLD journey!


WiLD Questions

Bonus Video: Watch Wiley pick a WiLD Card from the WiLD Questions deck!