Ignite your event with an exceptional speaker from WiLD Leaders.

Why a WiLD Leaders speaker is right for your event.

Hiring a speaker who specializes in whole leader development and building trust is an investment in your organization's future. By focusing on comprehensive personal and professional growth, these experts help cultivate leaders who can inspire trust and drive meaningful change. Their insights not only enhance individual leadership skills but also strengthen team cohesion and organizational culture. Engaging with a speaker who excels in these areas ensures that the people at your event will gain valuable tools for effective communication, collaboration, innovation, and self-awareness ultimately leading to a more resilient and successful organization.


Dr. Rob McKenna

Named one of the top 30 I-O Psychologists alive today, Dr. Rob McKenna is passionate about developing leaders and about transforming the way we see the people in our organizations. As he will tell you, we have the tools at our fingertips to invest in our people in ways that are meaningful to them and will get the results we need. Thirty years of research has taught us much how people learn and grow on the job. We have what it takes to create rich learning environments for the people we lead, and all we have to do is begin to act on what we know.

Dr. Daniel Hallak

Nothing gets Dr. Daniel Hallak more excited than the opportunity to build authentic relationships and intentionally develop leaders. He is a recognized authority on developing people and leaders, networking and building relationships, and living and working intentionally. His Ph.D. is in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, the science of making work better. He is a TEDx speaker and has been featured in Forbes and Psychology Today. He is known for bringing energy and thoughtful research-based practices that actually make a difference.

Dr. Tiffany Powell

Dr. Tiffany Powell is a WiLD Coach and WiLD Executive Fellow. She is currently the Director of The Arch Academic Programs at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. A native New Yorker, Dr. Powell is an educator with deep roots in K-12 education. Dr. Powell is the author of The Day My Soul Danced, her latest book where she invites readers on a journey to honestly bring their hearts and challenges to the forefront. As a WiLD speaker and coach, Dr. Powell brings her expertise, enthusiasm, experience and a fresh perspective to the space of whole leader development.

Sabeth Kapahu

Sabeth Kapahu is an inspiring public speaker, especially when it comes to empowering women in leadership. Her approach is rooted in authenticity and empathy, drawing from her diverse experiences in business, higher education, and community building. In her speaking engagements, she focuses on whole leadership, intentional development, and the balance of personal and professional life. She emphasizes the importance of leading with both heart and strategy, offering insights that resonate deeply with women who are navigating leadership roles in various contexts.

“What will it cost you to authentically invest in others? And where do you want to invest, and why?”

- Dr. Tiffany Powell

“Preparing a generation of leaders who will lead with conviction and care requires us to rethink how we have been developing them in the past.”

- Dr. Rob McKenna

“Every leader has a storm that is coming around the corner, the only question is when. Who will stand by your side?”

- Dr. Daniel Hallak