WiLD's research confirms something we all intuitively know:

High performing individuals, teams, and organizations function at a high level of trust.

WiLD has created and deployed a trust survey that pinpoints where and whom this trust is placed and at what level.

"Trust inspires confidence, builds resilience, and is a motivator for success. The WiLD Trust Index served as a platform to gather information from our team that helped our organization identify areas to leverage strengths. The WiLD team took that information and provided great insight along with a well thought out strategy to overcome obstacles thereby increasing staff confidence, resilience and motivation."

- CEO who recently used the WiLD Trust Index with her team.

Interested in the WiLD Trust Index? Here are your next steps:

1 – Set up a meeting with WiLD to discuss your organization’s needs.

2 – Determine the participant list and run the survey (5-10 minutes for each person to complete).

3 – Debrief the results of the survey and identify opportunities.

What is the WiLD methodology?

WiLD starts with your organization’s purpose, your strategy for pursuing it, your operational backbone for achieving it, and the supporting culture you require to enable it.

Then we integrate our data and tools into the fabric of the development journey of your leaders, people, and processes.

What do we do with the survey results?

The insights within a team or an organization’s report will initiate a journey that defines a path to a high-performance and high-trust leadership team and organization. It will inspire a great conversation with the WiLD Team as trusted advisors in architecting trust and providing solutions through the WiLD methodology to deepen trust in our organization at all levels, starting with leaders.

Results will also be included in the yearly benchmark study conducted by WiLD Leaders. As you participate, you will receive a report on the levels of trust in your organization (at personal, team and organizational culture levels) and a benchmark against other organizations at the end of the year.

Watch this brief video about the WiLD Trust Platform.

The WiLD Trust Index is a starting point for the WiLD Trust Platform methodology.